Nghiên cứu mới về vắc-xin Covid-19 (Cập nhật đến ngày 7/10/2022)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ sáu - 21/10/2022 01:02
Cỡ chữ
Trong bối cảnh đại dịch Covid-19 diễn biến phức tạp, số ca nhiễm tăng cao, các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu mở rộng đối tượng tiêm vắc xin cho 2 nhóm phụ nữ mang thai và đang cho con bú. Trong quá trình mang thai, thai phụ có tình trạng suy giảm miễn dịch hơn so với người bình thường. Khi thai phát triển, tử cung to lên đẩy cơ hoành lên cao làm cho dung tích phổi giảm cản trở hô hấp vì vậy nhu cầu oxy của phụ nữ có thai nhiều hơn bình thường. Bên cạnh đó, do hiện tương giữ nước gây ra phù nên niêm mạc đường hô hấp dễ bị tổn thương hơn. Phụ nữ mang thai khi mắc Covid-19 thường tiến triển nặng nhanh hơn… và cần điều trị hồi sức tích cực nhiều hơn, nguy cơ tử vong cao hơn. Vì vậy bộ y tế khuyến cáo cũng nên chủ động tiêm vắc-xin
Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về vaccine COVID-19 trên thế giới. Bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống cập nhật đến ngày 7/10/2022. Những nghiên cứu công bố trước thời gian này được tổng hợp tại đường link cuối bài.
1. Sciencedirect
1. COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Available online 11 May 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Erkan Kalafat, Paul Heath, Asma Khalil
2. An update on COVID-19 and pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 14 September 2021 Volume 226, Issue 2 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 177-186
Denise J. Jamieson, Sonja A. Rasmussen
3. Evaluating depression and anxiety throughout pregnancy and after birth: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 4 March 2022 Volume 4, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 100605
Cindy X. W. Zhang, Justin C. Okeke, Stephen G. Matthews
4. Understanding COVID-19 vaccine uptake during pregnancy: ‘Hesitance’, knowledge, and evidence-based decision-making
Vaccine 25 March 2022 Volume 40, Issue 19 (Cover date: 26 April 2022) Pages 2755-2760
Leigh Ann Simmons, Mackenzie D. M. Whipps, Geeta K. Swamy
5. COVID-19 and pregnancy: A comparison of case reports, case series and registry studies
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 6 December 2021 Volume 268 (Cover date: January 2022) Pages 135-142
Eloise M Young, Oleia Green, Jim G Thornton
6. Impact of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy and neonates: A case control study.
Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 25 March 2022 Volume 51, Issue 5 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 102366
Camille Daclin, Marie Carbonnel, Jean-Marc Ayoubi
7. The pathophysiological mechanisms of COVID-19 and host immunity, with emphasis on the dysbiosis of the lung and gut microbiomes and pregnancy
Respiratory Investigation Available online 4 April 2022 In press, corrected proof
Nobuhiro Asai, Hideo Kato, Hiroshige Mikamo
8. Differences and similarities in endothelial and angiogenic profiles of preeclampsia and COVID-19 in pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Available online 26 March 2022 In press, corrected proof
Marta Palomo, Lina Youssef, Maribel Diaz-Ricart
9. COVID-19 during pregnancy and its impact on the developing auditory system
American Journal of Otolaryngology 4 May 2022 Volume 43, Issue 4 (Cover date: July–August 2022) Article 103484
Sangamanatha Ankmnal Veeranna, Patricia Lee, Ann Youngblood, Charles G. Marx
10. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Pregnancy: Impact on Mothers and Newborns
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology Available online 21 May 2022 In press, corrected proof Article 100977
Jaime-Dawn E. Twanow, Corinne Mc, CabeMargie A. Ream
11. COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy
Trends in Molecular Medicine Available online 3 May 2022 In press, corrected proof
Marta C. Nunes, Shabir A. Madhi
12. COVID-19 perceived impacts on sleep, fitness, and diet and associations with mental health during pregnancy: A cross-national study
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 8 December 2021 Volume 7 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 100288
Karmel W. Choi, Hannah H. Kim, Karestan C. Koenen
13. Factors related to delays in obtaining contraception among pregnancy-capable adults in New York state during the COVID-19 pandemic: The CAP study
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 5 February 2022 Volume 31 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100697
Meredith Manze, Diana Romero, Sarah Pickering
14. COVID-19 Disease During Pregnancy and Peripartum Period: A Cardiovascular Review
Current Problems in Cardiology 9 May 2021 Volume 47, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 100888
Sedigheh Hantoushzadeh, Seyedeh Maedeh Nabavian, Azam Soleimani
15. Overcoming barriers to COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women
Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Medicine 4 February 2022 Volume 2, Issue 1 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 29-33
Emmanuel Lamptey
16. Gestational diabetes mellitus and COVID-19: results from the CRONOS study
American Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyAvailable online 14 May 2022In press, journal pre-proof
Helmut J. KLEINWECHTER, Katharina S. WEBER, Ulrich PECKS
17. Sickle cell disease and COVID-19 in pregnant women
Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 29 January 2022 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 102328
Kamila Kolanska, Radostina Vasileva, Marie Bornes
18. Third trimester messenger RNA COVID-19 booster vaccination upsurge maternal and neonatal SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G antibody levels at birth
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 30 May 2022 Volume 274 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 148-154
Nir Kugelman, Chen Nahshon, Shlomit Riskin-Mashiah
19. Considerations and Recommendations for Care of Black Pregnant Patients During COVID 19
Nursing Clinics of North America Available online 5 May 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Jacquelyn Mc, Millian-Bohler, Lacrecia M. Bell
20. COVID-19 infection among pregnant and non-pregnant women: Comparison of biochemical markers and outcomes during COVID-19 pandemic, A retrospective cohort study
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 28 March 2022 Volume 76 (Cover date: April 2022) Article 103527
Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, Muhammad Ali Siddiqui, Iqra Lareeb
21. Recruitment of Pregnant Women to Randomised Trials of COVID 19 Treatments, and Pharmaceutical Treatments Received Outside such Trials: A Research Article
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Available online 14 May 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Oleia Green, Eloise M Young, Jim G Thornton
22. COVID-19 in the Critically Ill Pregnant Patient
Critical Care Clinics 10 January 2022 Volume 38, Issue 3 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 521-534
Matthew Levitus, Scott A. Shainker, Mai Colvin
23. Perspectives of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Women and Birth 15 March 2021 Volume 35, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Pages 280-288
Kiran Atmuri, Mahbub Sarkar, Arunaz Kumar
24. COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant people in the United States: a systematic review
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 10 March 2022 Volume 4, Issue 4 (Cover date: July 2022), Article 100616
Smita Rawal, Randall L. Tackett, Henry N. Young
25. The effects of the COVID 19 pandemic on vaccine decisions in pregnant women
Women and Birth 19 May 2021 Volume 35, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Pages 317-323
Hatice Gencer, Sevgi Özkan, Pınar Serçekuş
26. Prenatal stress, health, and health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international survey
Women and Birth 19 March 2021 Volume 35, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Pages 272-279
Johanna Pope, Ellinor K. Olander, Karen Matvienko-Sikar
27. Increase in preterm stillbirths in association with reduction in iatrogenic preterm births during COVID-19 lockdown in Australia: a multicenter cohort study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Available online 19 April 2022 In press, corrected proof
Lisa Hui, Melvin Barrientos Marzan, Susan P. Walker
28. Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey
Midwifery 21 March 2022 Volume 109 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 103321
Tine S. Eri, Ellen Blix, Anne Britt Vika Nilsen
29. Preeclampsia and Severe Maternal Morbidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Ontario, Canada
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada Available online 5 April 2022 In press, corrected proof
John W. Snelgrove, Andrea N. Simpson, Nancy N. Baxter
30. An internally validated prediction model for critical COVID-19 infection and intensive care unit admission in symptomatic pregnant women
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 25 September 2021 Volume 226, Issue 3 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 403.e1-403.e13
Erkan Kalafat, Smriti Prasad, Asma Khalil
31. Receiving maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of women’s partners and support persons
Women and Birth 27 April 2021 Volume 35, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Pages 298-306
Vidanka Vasilevski, Linda Sweet, Karen Wynter
32. Oxygen saturation in pregnant individuals with COVID-19: time for re-appraisal?
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 16 December 2021 Volume 226, Issue 6 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 813-816
Joe Eid, David Stahl, Kara M. Rood
33. Post-authorization surveillance of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant persons in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), December 2020 – October 2021
Vaccine 12 April 2022 Volume 40, Issue 24 (Cover date: 26 May 2022) Pages 3389-3394
Pedro L. Moro, Christine K. Olson, Cynthia Moore
34. Attempts to conceive and the COVID-19 pandemic: data from the Apple Women’s Health Study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Available online 11 May 2022 In press, corrected proof
Victoria Fruh, Genevieve Lyons, Shruthi Mahalingaiah
35. Maternal mortality linked to COVID-19 in Latin America: Results from a multi-country collaborative database of 447 deaths
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas 6 May 2022 Volume 12 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 100269
Fabian Maza-Arnedo, Angel Paternina-Caicedo, Mercedes Colomar
36. Outcomes of Pregnant Patients Treated with REGEN-COV during the COVID-19 Pandemic
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM Available online 4 June 2022 In press, journal pre-proofArticle 100673
Natalie H. Levey, Alexandra D. Forrest, Martina L. Badell
37. “It's always hard being a mom, but the pandemic has made everything harder”: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of perinatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic
Midwifery 16 March 2022 Volume 109 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 103313
P. Kinser, N. Jallo, A. Rider
38. Cytokine response over the course of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women
Cytokine 25 April 2022 Volume 154 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 155894
Daniel B. Rosen, Elisabeth A. Murphy, Yawei J. Yang
39. Impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women in South Korea: Focusing on prevalence, severity, and clinical outcomes
Journal of Infection and Public Health 17 January 2022 Volume 15, Issue 2 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 270-276
So Hee Kim, Yeonmi Choi, Jin Yong Lee
40. Women’s experiences with being pregnant and becoming a new mother during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 26 April 2022 Volume 32 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 100728
Joeri Vermeulen, Johan Bilsen, Maaike Fobelets
41. Preterm birth after the introduction of COVID-19 mitigation measures in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark: a registry-based difference-in-differences study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 11 November 2021 Volume 226, Issue 4 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 550.e1-550.e22
Laura L. Oakley, Anne K. Örtqvist, Siri E. Håberg
42. Characterization of Covid-19 infected pregnant women sera using laboratory indexes, vibrational spectroscopy, and machine learning classifications
Talanta 5 October 2021 Volume 237 (Cover date: 15 January 2022) Article 122916
Zozan Guleken, Paweł Jakubczyk, Nevzat Tarhan
43. Effect of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program on stress, anxiety, and childbirth fear in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 23 February 2022 Volume 47 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 101566
Esra Güney, Sıdıka Özlem Cengizhan, Tuba Uçar
44. Effects of prenatal exposure to maternal COVID-19 and perinatal care on neonatal outcome: results from the INTERCOVID Multinational Cohort Study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Available online 19 April 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Francesca GIULIANI, Daniel OROS, Jose VILLAR
45. Treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome from COVID-19 with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in obstetrical patients
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 20 November 2021 Volume 4, Issue 2 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100537
Emily Shih, J. Michael DiMaio, April T. Bleich
46. A temporal study of Brazilian pregnant and postpartum women vulnerability for COVID-19: Characteristics, risk factors and outcomes
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas 8 February 2022 Volume 9 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 100197
Natália S. Hojo-Souza, Daniel L. Guidoni, Fernanda S. H. De Souza
47. Lack of effects on female fertility or pre- and postnatal development of offspring in rats after exposure to AS03-adjuvanted recombinant plant-derived virus-like particle vaccine candidate for COVID-19
Reproductive Toxicology 24 November 2021 Volume 107 (Cover date: January 2022) Pages 69-80
Charlotte Dubé, Sarah Paris-Robidas, Sonia Trépanier
48. Placental pathology from COVID-19–recovered (nonacute) patients
Human Pathology 9 April 2022 Volume 125 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 18-22
Baris Boyraz, Kaitlyn James, Drucilla J. Roberts
49. The impact of COVID-19 on pregnant womens’ experiences and perceptions of antenatal maternity care, social support, and stress-reduction strategies
Women and Birth 6 May 2021 Volume 35, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Pages 307-316
Sarah Meaney, Sara Leitao, Karen Matvienko-Sikar
50. Change in healthcare during Covid-19 pandemic was assessed through observational designs
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 26 October 2021 Volume 142 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 45-53
Giovanni Corrao, Anna Cantarutti, Federico Rea
51. Pregnant women's coping strategies, participation roles and social support in the online community during the COVID-19
Information Processing & Management 24 March 2022 Volume 59, Issue 3 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 102932
Xueqin Lei, Hong Wu, Qing Ye
52. Abortion care in the time of COVID-19: an illustration of how to adapt medical care during a pandemic
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine 14 December 2021 Volume 32, Issue 2 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 21-22
Kathryn Parker
53. Reversing physician hesitancy to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant patients
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 8 November 2021Volume 226, Issue 6 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 805-812
Frank A. Chervenak, Laurence B. Mc, CulloughAmos Grünebaum
54. Influenza virus vaccine compliance among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic (pre-vaccine era) in Israel and future intention to uptake BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Vaccine 15 February 2022 Volume 40, Issue 13 (Cover date: 18 March 2022) Pages 2099-2106
Ola Ali Saleh, Ofra Halperin
55. Prenatal maternal distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with infant brain connectivity
Biological Psychiatry Available online 16 May 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Kathryn Y. Manning, Xiangyu Long, Catherine Lebel
56. Characteristics and Outcomes of COVID-19 in Reproductive-Aged Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women in Osaka, Japan
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 29 January 2022 Volume 117 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 195-200
Ling Zha, Tomotaka Sobue, Tetsuhisa Kitamura
57. COVID-19-related stress in postpartum women from Argentina during the second wave in 2021: Identification of impairing and protective factors
Midwifery 21 February 2022 Volume 108 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 103290
Agustín R. Miranda, Mariela V. Cortez, Elio A. Soria
58. Impact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on contraception use in 2020 and up until the end of April 2021 in France
Contraception 29 December 2021 Volume 108 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 50-55
Noémie Roland, Jérôme Drouin, Mahmoud Zureik
59. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on abortion care utilization and disparities by age
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 31 January 2022 Volume 226, Issue 6 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 819.e1-819.e15
Isabel R. Fulcher, Chiamaka Onwuzurike, Elizabeth Janiak
60. Factors associated with prenatal stress and anxiety in pregnant women during COVID-19 in Spain
Enfermería Clínica (English Edition) Available online 8 February 2022 In press, corrected proof
Natalia Awad-Sirhan, Sandra Simó-Teufel, María Teresa Izquierdo-Puchol
Các công bố về COVID-19 trước thời gian trên:
Cập nhật các công bố về COVID-19 đến ngày 7/10/2022
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Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 10/2022