Ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học vào sản xuất phân bón hữu cơ vi sinh (Cập nhật đến ngày 25/11/2022)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ sáu - 25/11/2022 00:01
Cỡ chữ
Quy mô sản xuất nông nghiệp ngày càng được mở rộng mang lại nhiều giá trị gia tăng thì cũng làm cho chất thải của hoạt động sản xuất nông nghiệp ngày càng nhiều gây ô nhiễm môi trường. Để nông nghiệp phát triển bền vững, điều tất yếu phải sử dụng các chế phẩm vi sinh xử lý các chất thải trong nông nghiệp thành phân bón hữu cơ, thực hiện các mô hình sản xuất nông nghiệp xanh, khép kín, hỗ trợ lẫn nhau và bảo vệ môi trường sinh thái.
Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. Effects of microbial organic fertilizer (MOF) application on cadmium uptake of rice in acidic paddy soil: Regulation of the iron oxides driven by the soil microorganisms
Environmental Pollution 16 May 2022 Volume 307 (Cover date: 15 August 2022) Article 119447
Fanyi Kong, Shenggao Lu
2. Preparation and efficacy evaluation of Paenibacillus polymyxa KM2501-1 microbial organic fertilizer against root-knot nematodes
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 4 January 2022 Volume 21, Issue 2 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 542-551
CHENG Wan-li, ZENG Li, ZHANG Ji-bin
3. The remediation effects of microbial organic fertilizer on soil microorganisms after chloropicrin fumigation
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 17 January 2022 Volume 231 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 113188
Rongfeng Pu, Panpan Wang, Ye Yang
4. Organic fertilizers activate soil enzyme activities and promote the recovery of soil beneficial microorganisms after dazomet fumigation
Journal of Environmental Management 10 February 2022 Volume 309 (Cover date: 1 May 2022) Article 114666
Qingjie Li, Daqi Zhang, Aocheng Cao
5. Organic fertilizer activates soil beneficial microorganisms to promote strawberry growth and soil health after fumigation
Environmental Pollution 15 December 2021 Volume 295 (Cover date: 15 February 2022) Article 118653
Qingjie Li, Daqi Zhang, Aocheng Cao
6. Insight to bacteria community response of organic management in apple orchard-bagasse fertilizer combined with biochar
Chemosphere 30 July 2021 Volume 286, Part 2 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 131693
Yumin Duan, Linsen Zhang, Huike Li
7. Rotation cropping and organic fertilizer jointly promote soil health and crop production
Journal of Environmental Management 5 May 2022 Volume 315 (Cover date: 1 August 2022) Article 115190
Yonglei Jiang, Jing Zhang, Zhanfeng Liu
8. Responses of soil microbial community composition and enzyme activities to long-term organic amendments in a continuous tobacco cropping system
Applied Soil Ecology 6 September 2021 Volume 169 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 104210
Cong Wang, Peng Ning, Weijun Shen
9. Analysis on the soil physical, chemical, and microbial community properties of different alpine meadow patches in the Source Zone of the Yellow River, West China
Ecological Indicators 6 October 2022 Volume 144 (Cover date: November 2022) Article 109531
Chengwei Duan, Xilai Li, Wenyin Xu
10. Ammonia volatilization mitigation in crop farming: A review of fertilizer amendment technologies and mechanisms
Chemosphere 13 May 2022 Volume 303, Part 1 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 134944
Tianling Li, Zhengguo Wang, Linzhang Yang
11. Long-term fertilizer postponing promotes soil organic carbon sequestration in paddy soils by accelerating lignin degradation and increasing microbial necromass
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 7 October 2022 Volume 175 (Cover date: December 2022) Article 108839
Yan Zhou, Jianwei Zhang, Ganghua Li
12. Effect of high soil C/N ratio and nitrogen limitation caused by the long-term combined organic-inorganic fertilization on the soil microbial community structure and its dominated SOC decomposition
Journal of Environmental Management 30 November 2021 Volume 303 (Cover date: 1 February 2022) Article 114155
Jiwen Cui, Ruili Zhu, Ping Zhu
13. Partial Organic Fertilizer Substitution Promotes Soil Multifunctionality by Increasing Microbial Community Diversity and Complexity
Pedosphere Available online 7 June 2022 In press, journal pre-proof
Quan TANG, Yongqiu XIA, Xiaoyuan YAN
14. Straw retention combined with phosphorus fertilizer promotes soil phosphorus availability by enhancing soil P-related enzymes and the abundance of phoC and phoD genes
Soil and Tillage Research 4 April 2022 Volume 220 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 105390
Nan Cao, Mengling Zhi, Yali Meng
15. Long-term continuous farmyard manure application increases soil carbon when combined with mineral fertilizers due to lower priming effects
Geoderma 23 October 2022 Volume 428 (Cover date: 15 December 2022) Article 116216
Khatab Abdalla, Yue Sun, Johanna Pausch
16. Organic amendment regulates soil microbial biomass and activity in wheat-maize and wheat-soybean rotation systems
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2 April 2022 Volume 333 (Cover date: 1 August 2022) Article 107974
Dali Song, Xianglin Dai, Shuiqing Zhang
17. Linkages of nitrogen-cycling microbial resistance and resilience to soil nutrient stoichiometry under dry-rewetting cycles with different fertilizations and temperatures in a vegetable field
Science of The Total Environment 21 January 2022 Volume 820 (Cover date: 10 May 2022) Article 153294
Haojie Shen, Qianqian Zhang, Zhengqin Xiong
18. Partial substitution of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer over seven years increases yields and restores soil bacterial community diversity in wheat–rice rotation
European Journal of Agronomy 23 December 2021 Volume 133 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 126445
Xinyue Li, Bing Li, Changquan Wang
19. N and P use efficiencies of basil cultivated in organically fertilized growing media
Scientia Horticulturae 28 May 2022 Volume 303 (Cover date: 20 September 2022) Article 111208
L. Paillat, P. Cannavo, L. Huché-Thélier
20. Positive effects of organic fertilizers and biofertilizers on soil microbial community composition and walnut yield
Applied Soil Ecology 16 March 2022 Volume 175 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 104457
Tian-Yu Du, Hai-Yun He, Mei-Zhi Zhai
21. Effects of a decade of organic fertilizer substitution on vegetable yield and soil phosphorus pools, phosphatase activities, and the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable production system
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 9 June 2022 Volume 21, Issue 7 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 2119-2133
Yin-jie ZHANG, Wei GAO, Shao-wen HUANG
22. 14 year applications of chemical fertilizers and crop straw effects on soil labile organic carbon fractions, enzyme activities and microbial community in rice-wheat rotation of middle China
Science of The Total Environment 11 June 2022 Volume 841 (Cover date: 1 October 2022) Article 156608
Bo Liu, Hao Xia, Xiange Xia
23. Novel liquid organic fertilizer: A potential way to effectively recycle spent mushroom substrate
Journal of Cleaner Production 27 September 2022 Volume 376 (Cover date: 20 November 2022) Article 134368
Zhida Huang, Hongcai Guan, Jibo Xiao
24. Long-term combined application of chemical fertilizers and organic manure shapes the gut microbial diversity and functional community structures of earthworms
Applied Soil Ecology 3 November 2021 Volume 170 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 104250
Bing-Jie Jin, Qing-Fang Bi, Yong-Guan Zhu
25. A meta-analysis of the effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil microbial diversity
Applied Soil Ecology 4 March 2022 Volume 175 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 104450
Daniel P. Bebber, Victoria R. Richards
26. Partial organic substitution weakens the negative effect of chemical fertilizer on soil micro-food webs
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 1 August 2022 Volume 21, Issue 10 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 3037-3050
Han-wen LIU, Xiao-ke ZHANG, Wen-ju LIANG
27. Creating wealth from waste: An approach for converting organic waste in to value-added products using microbial consortia
Environmental Technology & Innovation 22 November 2021 Volume 25 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 102092
Sadik Dantroliya, Chinmayi Joshi, Madhvi Joshi
28. Recent advances on organic biofertilizer production from anaerobic fermentation of food waste: Overview
International Journal of Food Microbiology 13 May 2022 Volume 374 (Cover date: 2 August 2022) Article 109719
Mohammed Y. Areeshi
29. Effects of long-term fertilization with different substitution ratios of organic fertilizer on paddy soil
Pedosphere 6 May 2022 Volume 32, Issue 4 (Cover date: August 2022) Pages 637-648
Weifeng SONG, Aiping SHU, Zheng GAO
30. Integrated organic and inorganic fertilization and reduced irrigation altered prokaryotic microbial community and diversity in different compartments of wheat root zone contributing to improved nitrogen uptake and wheat yield
Science of The Total Environment 22 June 2022 Volume 842 (Cover date: 10 October 2022) Article 156952
Chao Wang, Haiyang Ma, Yaosheng Wang
31. Compost amendment maintains soil structure and carbon storage by increasing available carbon and microbial biomass in agricultural soil - A six-year field study
Geoderma 27 August 2022 Volume 427 (Cover date: 1 December 2022) Article 116117
Daoyuan Wang Jonathan Y. Lin Kate M. Scow
32. Investigating bacterial coupled assimilation of fertilizer‑nitrogen and crop residue‑carbon in upland soils by DNA-qSIP
Science of The Total Environment 10 July 2022 Volume 845 (Cover date: 1 November 2022) Article 157279
Weiling Dong, Qin Yang, Fenliang Fan
33. Continuous manure application strengthens the associations between soil microbial function and crop production: Evidence from a 7-year multisite field experiment on the Guanzhong Plain
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 11 July 2022 Volume 338 (Cover date: 15 October 2022) Article 108082
Juan Li, Yi Yang, Yang Liu
34. The addition of biochar and nitrogen alters the microbial community and their cooccurrence network by affecting soil properties
Chemosphere Available online 2 November 2022 In press, journal pre-proofArticle 137101
Minshu Yuan, Xiaozhen Zhu, Shiqing Li
35. Application rates of nitrogen fertilizers change the pattern of soil organic carbon fractions in a rice-wheat rotation system in China
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 9 July 2022 Volume 338 (Cover date: 15 October 2022) Article 108081
Quanyi Hu, Tianqi Liu, Cougui Cao
36. Feasibility of sewage sludge and food waste aerobic co-composting: Physicochemical properties, microbial community structures, and contradiction between microbial metabolic activity and safety risks
Science of The Total Environment 21 February 2022 Volume 825 (Cover date: 15 June 2022) Article 154047
Zhou Chen, Yanzeng Li, Shenghua Zhang
37. Organic amendments enhance soil microbial diversity, microbial functionality and crop yields: A meta-analysis
Science of The Total Environment 17 March 2022 Volume 829 (Cover date: 10 July 2022) Article 154627
Xiangyang Shu, Jia He, Changquan Wang
38. Short-term responses of soil nutrients, heavy metals and microbial community to partial substitution of chemical fertilizer with spent mushroom substrates (SMS)
Science of The Total Environment 1 July 2022 Volume 844 (Cover date: 20 October 2022) Article 157064
Ludan Chen, Wei Zhou, Liangji Deng
39. Animal manures promoted soil phosphorus transformation via affecting soil microbial community in paddy soil
Science of The Total Environment 29 March 2022 Volume 831 (Cover date: 20 July 2022) Article 154917
Guanglei Chen, Jiahui Yuan, Yu Wang
40. Effects of process water obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of poultry litter on soil microbial community, nitrogen transformation, and plant nitrogen uptake
Journal of Environmental Management 22 September 2022 Volume 323 (Cover date: 1 December 2022) Article 116307
Hua Huang, Qianyi Su, Yongtao Zhang
41. Microbial keystone taxa drive crop productivity through shifting aboveground-belowground mineral element flows
Science of The Total Environment 15 December 2021 Volume 811 (Cover date: 10 March 2022) Article 152342
Jia Lin Wang, Kai Lou Liu, Ren Fang Shen
42. Interaction of soil microbial communities and phosphorus fractions under long-term fertilization in paddy soil
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 9 June 2022 Volume 21, Issue 7 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 2134-2144
Muhammad QASWAR, Waqas AHMED, Hui-min ZHANG
43. Towards a mechanistic understanding of microbial and nonmicrobial mediated topsoil organic carbon sequestration efficiency in a rice-wheat cropping system
Applied Soil Ecology 13 October 2021 Volume 170 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 104259
Xiaolei Huang, Lei Wang, Wei Ran
44. Application of composted lipstatin fermentation residue as organic fertilizer: Temporal changes in soil characteristics and bacterial community
Chemosphere 7 July 2022 Volume 306 (Cover date: November 2022) Article 135637
Jinhong Xiao, Gang Wang, Xiaohu Dai
45. Effects of fertilizer application on phthalate ester pollution and the soil microbial community in plastic-shed soil on long-term fertilizer experiment
Chemosphere 7 September 2022 Volume 308, Part 2 (Cover date: December 2022) Article 136315
Bin Zhou, Xianqing Zheng, Yong Xue
46. Fumigation practice combined with organic fertilizer increase antibiotic resistance in watermelon rhizosphere soil
Science of The Total Environment 20 September 2021 Volume 805 (Cover date: 20 January 2022) Article 150426
Shuai Du, An-Hui Ge, Ju-Pei Shen
47. Improved tomato yield and quality by altering soil physicochemical properties and nitrification processes in the combined use of organic-inorganic fertilizers
European Journal of Soil Biology 12 January 2022 Volume 109 (Cover date: March-April 2022) Article 103384
Weijian Wu, Zhong Lin, Dayi Zhang
48. Effect of integrated biofertilizers with chemical fertilizers on the oil palm growth and soil microbial diversity
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 3 December 2021 Volume 39 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 102237
Nurhafizhoh Zainuddin, Mohd Fahmi Keni, Mohamed Mazmira Mohd Masri
49. Soil multifunctionality of paddy field is explained by soil pH rather than microbial diversity after 8-years of repeated applications of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer
Science of The Total Environment 6 September 2022 Volume 853 (Cover date: 20 December 2022) Article 158620
Zhijie Dong, Hongbo Li, Aiping Zhang
50. Combined apatite, biochar, and organic fertilizer application for heavy metal co-contaminated soil remediation reduces heavy metal transport and alters soil microbial community structure
Science of The Total Environment 13 August 2022 Volume 851, Part 1 (Cover date: 10 December 2022) Article 158033
Yi Hong, Dong Li, Zhiqiang Zhu
51. Remediation of organic amendments on soil salinization: Focusing on the relationship between soil salts and microbial communities
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 16 May 2022 Volume 239 (Cover date: 1 July 2022) Article 113616
Xiaoxi Mao, Yang Yang, Bowen Li
52. The effect of environmental parameters and fertilization practices on yield and soil microbial diversity in a Kenyan paddy rice field
Applied Soil Ecology 9 May 2022 Volume 176 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 104495
Markus Gorfer, Luigimaria Borruso, Sonja Leitner
53. Changes in soil organic carbon stocks from reducing irrigation can be offset by applying organic fertilizer in the North China Plain
Agricultural Water Management 21 February 2022 Volume 266 (Cover date: 31 May 2022) Article 107539
Zhenxing Yan, Wenying Zhang, Xurong Mei
54. Dynamics and composition of soil organic carbon in response to 15 years of straw return in a Mollisol
Soil and Tillage Research 13 October 2021 Volume 215 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 105221
Xiangxiang Hao, Xiaozeng Han, Lu-Jun Li
55. Soil organic carbon decomposition responding to warming under nitrogen addition across Chinese vegetable soils
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 30 July 2022 Volume 242 (Cover date: 1 September 2022) Article 113932
Xintong Xu, Qianqian Zhang, Zhengqin Xiong
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 25/11/2022