RPA (Robotic Process Automation), công nghệ giúp xử lý thông tin tài chính mới

Trong thời đại xu hướng chuyển đổi số, việc áp dụng công nghệ, tự động hóa quy trình kế toán bằng robot (RPA) là giải pháp quan trọng và tất yếu giúp đơn giản hóa bộ máy vận hành doanh nghiệp.

Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống. 


1. Robotic Process Automation in purchasing and supply management: A multiple case study on potentials, barriers, and implementation

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 31 August 2021 Volume 28, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 100718

Christian Flechsig Franziska Anslinger Rainer Lasch


2. Plug & Produce robot assistants as shared resources: A simulation approach

Journal of Manufacturing Systems 16 March 2022 Volume 63 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 107-117

Elias Ribeiro da Silva Casper Schou Michael Sparre Sørensen


3. Implementation of Automation Technologies of Industry 4.0 in Automotive Manufacturing Companies

Procedia Computer Science 8 March 2022 Volume 200 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 1488-1497

Zuzana Papulová Andrea Gažová Ľubomír Šufliarský


4. Harnessing service robots to increase frontline service employees’ safety and health: The critical role of CSR

Safety Science 10 March 2022 Volume 151 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 105731

Hongmin Yan Limin Fu Xiaowen Hu


5. The role of the human-robot interaction in consumers’ acceptance of humanoid retail service robots

Journal of Business Research 5 April 2022 Volume 146 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 489-503

Christina Soyoung Song Youn-Kyung Kim


6. Automation of employment in the presence of industry 4.0: The case of Mexico

Technology in Society 16 December 2021 Volume 68 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 101837

Minerva E. Ramos Jorge Garza-Rodríguez Damian E. Gibaja-Romero


7. Classifying and measuring the service quality of AI chatbot in frontline service

Journal of Business Research 17 March 2022 Volume 145 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 552-568

Qian Chen Yeming Gong Jing Tang


8. Effect of Business Process Management on Level of Automation and Technologies Connected to Industry 4.0

Procedia Computer Science 8 March 2022 Volume 200 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 1498-1507

Andrea Gažová Zuzana Papulová Dávid Smolka


9. Why is your company not robotic? The technology and human capital needed by firms to become robotic

Journal of Business Research 7 January 2022 Volume 142 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 328-343

María Teresa Ballestar Aida García-Lazaro Ismael Sanz


10. Tracing the evolution of service robotics: Insights from a topic modeling approach

Technological Forecasting and Social Change 1 November 2021 Volume 174 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 121280

Ivan Savin Ingrid Ott Chris Konop


11. Knowledge-based program generation approach for robotic manufacturing systems

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 16 August 2021 Volume 73 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 102242

Chen Zheng Jiajian Xing Yicha Zhang


12. Assessing the impact of industrial robots on manufacturing energy intensity in 38 countries

Energy Economics 2 December 2021 Volume 105 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 105748

En-Ze Wang Chien-Chiang Lee Yaya Li


13. Digital financial inclusion: A gateway to sustainable development

Heliyon 22 June 2022 Volume 8, Issue 6 (Cover date: June 2022) Article e09766

Lee-Ying Tay Hen-Toong Tai Gek-Siang Tan


14. Exploring factors influencing the acceptance of social robots among early adopters and mass market representatives

Robotics and Autonomous Systems 26 January 2022 Volume 151 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 104033

Ulla A. Saari Antero Tossavainen Saku J. Mäkinen


15. Tools to support the automation of systematic reviews: a scoping review

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 8 December 2021 Volume 144 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 22-42

Hanan Khalil Daniel Ameen Armita Zarnegar


16. Corporate transformation toward Industry 4.0 and financial performance: The influence of environmental, social, and governance (ESG)

Technological Forecasting and Social Change 7 December 2021 Volume 175 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 121423

Fadi Alkaraan Khaldoon Albitar VG Venkatesh


17. The Critical Success Factors for Robotic Process Automation

Computers in Industry 21 March 2022 Volume 138 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 103646

Ralf Plattfaut Vincent Borghoff André Coners


18. Hybridizing humans and robots: An RPA horizon envisaged from the trenches

Computers in Industry 11 February 2022 Volume 138 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 103615

Rafael Cabello Ruiz Andrés Jiménez Ramírez José González Enríquez


19. Fragile robots, economic growth and convergence

Economic Modelling 8 April 2022 Volume 112 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 105850

Torben Klarl


20. An assisted approach to business process redesign

Decision Support Systems 5 February 2022 Volume 156 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 113749

Tobias Fehrer Dominik A. Fischer Moe T. Wynn


21. COVID-19 and automation in a developing economy: Evidence from Chile

Technological Forecasting and Social Change 25 November 2021 Volume 176 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 121373

Pablo Egana-delSol Gabriel Cruz Alejandro Micco


22. Bids for speed: An empirical study of investment strategy automation in a peer-to-business lending platform

Decision Support Systems 26 January 2022 Volume 156 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 113732

Eric Darmon Nathalie Oriol Alexandra Rufini


23. Coevolution of job automation risk and workplace governance

Research Policy 5 January 2022 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: April 2022) Article 104441

Filippo Belloc Gabriel Burdin Fabio Landini


24. Agile logic for SaaS implementation: Capitalizing on marketing automation software in a start-up

Journal of Business Research 19 March 2022 Volume 145 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 583-594

Joel Mero Miira Leinonen Heikki Karjaluoto


25. Information effects of warehouse automation on sales in omnichannel retailing

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 4 January 2022 Volume 66 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 102903

Takumi Tagashira


26. AVA: A component-oriented abstraction layer for virtual plug&produce automation systems engineering

Journal of Industrial Information Integration 9 August 2021 Volume 26 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100251

Goran Musić Bernhard Heinzl Wolfgang Kastner


27. Toward a new era of cooperation: How industrial digital platforms transform business models in Industry 4.0

Journal of Business Research 10 February 2022 Volume 143 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 387-405

Johannes W. Veile Marie-Christin Schmidt Kai-Ingo Voigt


28. Moving towards digital platforms revolution? Antecedents, determinants and conceptual framework for offline B2B networks

Journal of Business Research 7 January 2022 Volume 142 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 344-363

Diego Falcão Peruchi Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco Carla Schwengber ten Caten


29. Blockchain-assisted industrial automation beyond 5G networks

Computers & Industrial Engineering 1 May 2022 Volume 169 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 108209

Sudeep Tanwar Umesh Bodkhe Ravi Sharma



30. Development of Mobile Robots based on Wireless Robotic Components using UML and Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets

Fernando D. Von Borstel, J. Francisco Villa-Medina & Joaquín Gutiérrez

Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems volume 104, Article number: 70 (2022)


31. Industry 4.0 and prospects of circular economy: a survey of robotic assembly and disassembly

Morteza Daneshmand, Fatemeh Noroozi, Ciprian Corneanu, Fereshteh Mafakheri & Paolo Fiorini

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022)


32. A framework for implementing robotic process automation projects

Lukas-Valentin Herm, Christian Janiesch, Alexander Helm, Florian Imgrund, Adrian Hofmann & Axel Winkelmann

Information Systems and e-Business Management (2022)


33. Developing a smart port architecture and essential elements in the era of Industry 4.0

Hokey Min 

Maritime Economics & Logistics volume 24, pages 189–207 (2022)


34. The effect of marketing department power on investor responses to announcements of AI-embedded new product innovations

Manjunath Padigar, Ljubomir Pupovac, Ashish Sinha & Rajendra Srivastava

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2022)


35. The effects of gender and personality of robot assistants on customers’ acceptance of their service

Santiago Forgas-Coll, Ruben Huertas-Garcia, Antonio Andriella & Guillem Alenyà

Service Business volume 16, pages 359–389 (2022)


36. Robots do not judge: service robots can alleviate embarrassment in service encounters

Jana Holthöwer & Jenny van Doorn

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2022)


37. Categorization and eccentricity of AI risks: a comparative study of the global AI guidelines

Kai Jia & Nan Zhang

Electronic Markets volume 32, pages 59–71 (2022)


38. The Dawn of the AI Robots: Towards a New Framework of AI Robot Accountability

Zsófia Tóth, Robert Caruana, Thorsten Gruber & Claudia Loebbecke

Journal of Business Ethics (2022)


39. Customer engagement design during the COVID 19 pandemic, mutual trust and intelligent automation: a conceptual perspective

Abdullah Abdulmohsen Alfalih

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship volume 11, Article number: 32 (2022)


40. Intelligent automation of invoice parsing using computer vision techniques

Anisha Chazhoor & Vergin Raja Sarobin

Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022)


Theo Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 28/7/2022