Vật liệu phân hủy sinh học thay thế nhựa plastic (Cập nhật đến ngày 2/12/2022)

Vật liệu phân hủy sinh học ngày càng được biết đến nhiều hơn trong thiết kế nội thất bởi vừa tự nhiên vừa mang lại một số lợi ích về sức khỏe và môi trường như làm mát, giảm thải carbon. Có thể kể đến nút bần.

Nút bần được biết đến là nút đậy các chai rượu, được làm từ vỏ của cây gỗ sồi. Trong kiến ​​trúc, nút bần ở dạng khối rắn, được tái chế bằng cách nung nóng các hạt nút bần.

Vật liệu tái chế từ nút bần được sử dụng để làm cho các mảng tường ngôi nhà trông tự nhiên hơn. Bên cạnh đó, đây là vật liệu ưu việt với tính năng chống cháy, cách âm và chống thấm cực tốt được dùng cho cả nội thất và ngoại thất.

Theo các kiến ​​trúc sư, việc sử dụng vật liệu từ nút bần sẽ làm giảm lượng carbon cho nhà ở, vì nó hấp thụ nhiều carbon hơn lượng thải ra trong quá trình xây dựng.

Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.

1. Sciencedirect

1. Modelling oxygen ingress through cork closures. Impact of test conditions
Journal of Food Engineering 23 April 2022 Volume 331 (Cover date: October 2022) Article 111105
Ana C. Lopes Cardoso, Chandisree Rajbux, Fátima Poças
2. Modal characteristics of a sustainable sandwich structure with cork stopper cores
Construction and Building Materials 11 August 2022 Volume 349 (Cover date: 26 September 2022) Article 128721
Chen-xi Liu, Ge QI, Er-kuo Guo
3. Impact resistance of cork-skinned marine PVC / GRP sandwich laminates
Thin-Walled Structures 2 August 2022 Volume 180 (Cover date: November 2022) Article 109830
L. S. Sutherland, C. Guedes Soares
4. Development of self-supporting catalyst based on bionic honeycomb communication channel from biomass cork waste for hydrogen evolution
Journal of Power Sources 12 October 2022 Volume 551 (Cover date: 15 December 2022) Article 232219
Wenxiang Zhai, Hao Sun, Liping Cai
5. Transformation mechanism from cork into honeycomb–like biochar with rich hierarchical pore structure during slow pyrolysis
Industrial Crops and Products 31 March 2022 Volume 181 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 114827
Qihang Wang, Demiao Chu, Jun Mu
6. Effect of aeration on nitrogen removal-associated microbial community in an innovative vertical cork-based constructed wetland for winery wastewater treatment
Ecological Engineering 22 September 2022 Volume 185 (Cover date: December 2022) Article 106781
Lorena Aguilar, Leonardo M. Pérez, Jordi Morató
7. New hybrid cork-STF (Shear thickening fluid) polymeric composites to enhance head safety in micro-mobility accidents
Composite Structures 10 September 2022 Volume 301 (Cover date: 1 December 2022) Article 116138
Gabriel Ferreira Serra, Fábio A. O. Fernandes, Mariusz Ptak
8. Characterization techniques comparison towards a better understanding of different cork-based stoppers types
Journal of Food Engineering 24 March 2022 Volume 328 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 111063
Juliana Both Engel, Claudia Leites Luchese, Isabel Cristina Tessaro
9. Cork-based passive samplers for monitoring triclosan in water samples
Green Analytical Chemistry 27 March 2022 Volume 1 (Cover date: April 2022) Article 100008
Inmaculada Cerrato, Alejandra Molina-Balmaceda, Pablo Richter
10. Applicability of the crop water stress index based on canopy–air temperature differences for monitoring water status in a cork oak plantation, northern China
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 4 November 2022 Volume 327 (Cover date: 15 December 2022) Article 109226
Linqi Liu, Xiang Gao, Yinji Ba
11. Coupling electrokinetic with a cork-based permeable reactive barrier to prevent groundwater pollution: A case study on hexavalent chromium-contaminated soil
Electrochimica Acta 1 August 2022 Volume 429 (Cover date: 10 October 2022) Article 140936
Deborah C. Andrade, Maja B. Đolić, Vítor J. P. Vilar
12. Cork derived TiO2 biomorphic ecoceramics
Open Ceramics 1 March 2022 Volume 9 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100243
Robert C. Pullar, Anais Accaries, Rui M. Novais
13. Cork photocurable resin composite for stereolithography (SLA): Influence of cork particle size on mechanical and thermal properties
Additive Manufacturing 31 December 2021 Volume 51 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 102586
Ismael Romero-Ocaña, Sergio I. Molina
14. Honeycomb-like cork activated carbon with ultra-high adsorption capacity for anionic, cationic and mixed dye: Preparation, performance and mechanism
Bioresource Technology 23 May 2022 Volume 357 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 127363
Qihang Wang, Cuimei Luo, Jun Mu
15. Impact characterization of bio-based sandwich panels with cork core
Procedia Structural Integrity 22 February 2022 Volume 37 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 833-840
P. Santos, N. Bouhemame, A. Bezazi
16. Experimental and numerical analysis of the ballistic response of agglomerated cork and its bio-based sandwich structures
Engineering Failure Analysis 17 November 2021 Volume 131 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 105904
Claudia Sergi, Fabrizio Sarasini, Jacopo Tirillò
17. Experimental behavior of plaster/cork functionally graded core sandwich panels with polymer skins
Construction and Building Materials 1 July 2022 Volume 344 (Cover date: 15 August 2022) Article 128257
Sara Medjmadj, Abdelmadjid Si Salem, Souad Ait Taleb
18. Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon nanodots from waste wine cork and their use in biocompatible fluorescence imaging
New Carbon Materials 23 June 2022 Volume 37, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 595-602
Ngo Khoa Quang, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, Che Thi Cam Ha
19. Electrocoagulation treatment of cork boiling wastewater
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 19 April 2022 Volume 10, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 107750
João R. Silva, Francisco Carvalho, Luís M. Castro
20. Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 25 January 2022 Volume 31 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100815
M. Suffo, D. L. Sales, E. Jiménez
21. Development and validation of a method for the analysis of halophenols and haloanisoles in cork bark macerates by stir bar sorptive extraction heart-cutting two-dimensional gas chromatography negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography A 3 June 2022 Volume 1673 (Cover date: 21 June 2022) Article 463186
A. Marsol-Vall, S. Ainsa, V. Ferreira
22. Protective films on complex substrates of thermoplastic and cellular elastomers: Prospective applications to rubber, nylon and cork
Surface and Coatings Technology 26 March 2022 Volume 442 (Cover date: 25 July 2022) Article 128405
D. Martínez-Martínez, B. Tiss, J. Th. M. De Hosson
23. The effect of cork-based living walls on the energy performance of buildings and local microclimate
Building and Environment 31 March 2022 Volume 216 (Cover date: 15 May 2022) Article 109048
Andreia Cortês, João Almeida, Carlos Manuel Silva
24. Treatment of cork boiling wastewater by thermal wet oxidation processes
Separation and Purification Technology 25 September 2021 Volume 280 (Cover date: 1 January 2022) Article 119806
Alicia L. Garcia-Costa, Jaime Carbajo, Jose A. Casas
25. The divergence of micrometeorology sensitivity leads to changes in GPP/SIF between cork oak and poplar
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 30 September 2022 Volume 326 (Cover date: 15 November 2022) Article 109189
XiangFen Cheng, MeiJun Hu, JinSong Zhang
26. Effect of the addition of organic wastes (cork powder, nut shell, coffee grounds and paper sludge) in clays to obtain expanded lightweight aggregates
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio Available online 24 February 2022 In press, corrected proof
Carlos Javier Cobo-Ceacero, José Manuel Moreno-Maroto, Teresa Cotes-Palomino
27. Surface properties of cork: Is cork a hydrophobic material?
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 25 September 2021 Volume 608, Part 1 (Cover date: 15 February 2022) Pages 416-423
Julie Chanut, Yiqian Wang, Thomas Karbowiak
28. Cork waste valorization as reinforcement in high-density polyethylene matrix
Materials Today: Proceedings 25 January 2022 Volume 53, Part 1 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 117-122
Badrina Dairi, Nadira Bellili, Riab Bendib
29. Interaction between salivary proteins and cork phenolic compounds able to migrate to wine model solutions
Food Chemistry 16 July 2021 Volume 367 (Cover date: 15 January 2022) Article 130607
Joana Azevedo, Mónica Jesus, Victor de Freitas
30. Climate-driven variations in productivity reveal adaptive strategies in Iberian cork oak agroforestry systems
Forest Ecosystems 25 February 2022 Volume 9 (Cover date: 2022) Article 100008
José Carlos Pérez-Girón, Emilio Rafael Díaz-Varela, Pedro Álvarez-Álvarez
31. The migration of NIAS from ethylene-vinyl acetate corks and their identification using gas chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Food Chemistry 14 July 2021 Volume 366 (Cover date: 1 January 2022) Article 130592
Paula Vera, Elena Canellas, Jeff Goshawk
32. Tree cover influences the soil C balance in Mediterranean cork oak-based silvopastoral systems
Soil and Tillage Research 28 October 2021 Volume 215 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 105234
Antonio Pulina, Sergio Campus, Giovanna Seddaiu
33. Combined effects of the vessel type and bottle closure during Chilean Sauvignon Blanc wine storage over its volatile profile
Food Research International 23 March 2022 Volume 156 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 111178
Cristina Ubeda, Álvaro Peña-Neira, Mariona Gil i Cortiella
34. Mechanical, thermal and acoustical evaluation of biocomposites made of agricultural waste for ceiling tiles
Applied Acoustics 25 February 2022 Volume 191 (Cover date: 30 March 2022) Article 108689
Rubén Maderuelo-Sanz, Francisco José García-Cobos, Laura López-Ramos
35. Review on properties of some thermal insulating materials providing more comfort in the building
Materials Today: Proceedings 24 February 2022 Volume 58, Part 4 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 1354-1359
Nandini Ijjada, R. Ramesh Nayaka

2. Springer

1. The effect of traditional amur cork tree bark extract dyes on thermal stability of paper by accelerating ageing
Yanbing Luo, Quan Wei, Yanfei Wei in Heritage Science (2022)

2. Pyrolysis behavior of alternative cork species
Umut Şen, Helena Pereira in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2022)

3. The effects of water absorption and salt fog exposure on agglomerated cork compressive response
Claudia Sergi, Fabrizio Sarasini… in European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (2022)

4. Pyrolysis kinetics and estimation of chemical composition of Quercus cerris cork
A. Umut Şen, Frederico G. Fonseca, Axel Funke… in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2022)

5. Histochemical structure and tensile properties of birch cork cell walls
Shingo Kiyoto, Junji Sugiyama in Cellulose (2022)

6. Cooling with cork: envisaging its giant compressive mechanocaloric effect for solid-state cooling devices
Erik Oda Usuda, Jean Rodrigo Bocca, Lucas Soares Paixão… in Journal of Materials Science (2022)

7. Performance of cork-based thermal protection material P50 exposed to air plasma
Isil Sakraker, Olivier Chazot, Joao Paulo Carvalho in CEAS Space Journal (2022)

8. Development of a green epoxy adhesive for cork by adding lignin: thermal and bonding properties
J. Abenojar, S. Lopez de Armentia, M. A. Martinez… in Wood Science and Technology (2022)

Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 2/12/2022