Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Công nghệ tài chính từ ngày 16/7 đến ngày 23/7/2021
- Thứ sáu - 23/07/2021 04:55
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Trong những năm gần đây, lĩnh vực công nghệ tài chính - Fintech đã đánh dấu nhiều sự phát triển nổi bật. Theo thời gian, Fitech dần được coi là một trong những phương tiện, công cụ quan trọng trong việc định hình và phát triển đổi mới tài chính. Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Công nghệ tài chính, được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống từ ngày 16/7 đến ngày 23/7/2021. Những nghiên cứu công bố được tổng hợp tại đường link các bài.
1. Bridging the gap between ‘Fin’ and ‘Tech’: The role of accelerator networks in emerging FinTech entrepreneurial ecosystems
Geoforum, 29 April 2021, Volume 122 (Cover date: June 2021), Pages 174-182
Jack Laurie Harris
2. Personal experiences of digital public services access and use: Older migrants’ digital choices
Technology in Society, 15 June 2021, Volume 66 (Cover date: August 2021), Article 101627
Nuriiar Safarov
3. In pursuit of socially-minded data-intensive innovation in banking: A focus group study of public expectations of digital innovation in banking
Technology in Society, 14 July 2021, Volume 66 (Cover date: August 2021), Article 101666
Mhairi Aitken, Magdalene Ng, Karen Elliott
4. New OLI advantages in digital globalization
International Business Review, 15 January 2021, Volume 30, Issue 2 (Cover date: April 2021) ,Article 101797
Yadong Luo
5. Digital transformation: A multidisciplinary reflection and research agenda
Journal of Business Research, 2 November 2019, Volume 122 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 889-901
Peter C. Verhoef, Thijs Broekhuizen, Michael Haenlein
6. Using Data Sciences in Digital Marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 15 August 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2 (Cover date: April–June 2021), Pages 92-102
Jose Ramon Saura
7. Digital platform openness: Drivers, dimensions and outcomes
Journal of Business Research, 15 July 2019, Volume 122 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 902-914
T. L. J. Broekhuizen, O. Emrich, L. M. Sloot
8. Market mash ups: The process of combinatorial market innovation
Journal of Business Research, 16 November 2020, Volume 124 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 445-457
Susi Geiger, Hans Kjellberg
9. Context dependent trade-offs around platform-to-platform openness: The case of the Internet of Things
Technovation, 1 July 2021, Volume 108 (Cover date: December 2021), Article 102331
Lars Mosterd, Vladimir C. M. Sobota, Mark de Reuver
10. Research on international business: The new realities
International Business Review, 11 January 2021, Volume 30, Issue 2 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 101794
Pervez Ghauri, Roger Strange, Fang Lee Cooke
11. Business model innovation at the bottom of the pyramid - A case of mobile money agents
Journal of Business Research, 24 January 2021, Volume 127 (Cover date: April 2021), Pages 96-107
Nkemdilim Iheanachor, Yinka David-West, Immanuel Ovemeso Umukoro
12. Worth the risk? The profit impact of outcome-based service offerings for manufacturing firms
Journal of Business Research, 6 April 2021, Volume 131 (Cover date: July 2021), Pages 92-102
Lauri Korkeamäki, Marko Kohtamäki, Vinit Parida
13. The development of international e-commerce in retail SMEs: An effectuation perspective
Journal of World Business, 16 November 2020, Volume 56, Issue 3 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 101165
Daniel Tolstoy, Emilia Rovira Nordman, Nurgül Özbek
14. When to switch between subscription-based and ad-sponsored business models: Strategic implications of decreasing content novelty
Journal of Business Research, 2 March 2021, Volume 129 (Cover date: May 2021), Pages 14-28
Pontus Huotari, Paavo Ritala
15. The impact of blockchain on e-commerce: A framework for salient research topics
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 28 April 2021, Volume 48 (Cover date: July–August 2021), Article 101054
Horst Treiblmaier, Christian Sillaber
16. Copycats among underdogs - echoing the sharing economy business model
Industrial Marketing Management, 19 June 2021, Volume 96 (Cover date: July 2021), Pages 287-299
Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christina Öberg
1. Mitigating Psychic Distance and Enhancing Internationalization of Fintech SMEs from Emerging Markets: The Role of Board of Directors
Pushyarag Puthusserry, Zaheer Khan, Smitha R. Nair, Timothy King
British Journal of Management
First published: 03 April 2021
2. Scaling up sustainable investment through blockchain-based project bonds
Yushi Chen, Ulrich Volz
Development Policy Review
First published: 15 July 2021
3. Remittance micro-worlds and migrant infrastructure: Circulations, disruptions, and the movement of money
Liza Rose Cirolia, Suzanne Hall, Henrietta Nyamnjoh
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
First published: 12 May 2021
4. A methodological overview to defining and measuring “digital” financial literacy
Angela C. Lyons, Josephine Kass-Hanna
Financial Planning Review
First published: 09 June 2021
5. Data-driven optimization of peer-to-peer lending portfolios based on the expected value framework
Ajay Byanjankar, József Mezei, Markku Heikkilä
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
First published: 17 March 2021
1. Investigating the relationship between volatilities of cryptocurrencies and other financial assets
Achraf Ghorbel, Ahmed Jeribi in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
2. Herding and feedback trading in cryptocurrency markets
Timothy King, Dimitrios Koutmos in Annals of Operations Research (2021)
3. Decrypting distributed ledger design-taxonomy, classification and blockchain community evaluation
Mark C. Ballandies, Marcus M. Dapp, Evangelos Pournaras in Cluster Computing (2021)
4. Cross-listings of blockchain-based tokens issued through initial coin offerings: Do liquidity and specific cryptocurrency exchanges matter?
Lennart Ante, André Meyer in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
5. Complexity traits and synchrony of cryptocurrencies price dynamics
Davide Provenzano, Rodolfo Baggio in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
6. XChange: A Universal Mechanism for Asset Exchange between Permissioned Blockchains
Martijn de Vos, Can Umut Ileri, Johan Pouwelse in World Wide Web (2021)
7. Initial coin offerings and the cryptocurrency hype - the moderating role of exogenous and endogenous signals
Ferdinand Thies, Sören Wallbach, Michael Wessel, Markus Besler… in Electronic Markets (2021)
8. Characterizing key agents in the cryptocurrency economy through blockchain transaction analysis
Xiao Fan Liu, Huan-Huan Ren, Si-Hao Liu, Xian-Jian Jiang in EPJ Data Science (2021)
9. Detecting malicious accounts in permissionless blockchains using temporal graph properties
Rachit Agarwal, Shikhar Barve, Sandeep Kumar Shukla in Applied Network Science (2021)
10. Towards trustworthy blockchains: normative reflections on blockchain-enabled virtual institutions
Yan Teng in Ethics and Information Technology (2021)
11. Which investors’ characteristics are beneficial for initial coin offerings? Evidence from blockchain technology-based firms
Christian Hackober, Carolin Bock in Journal of Business Economics (2021)
12. Blockchain for decentralization of internet: prospects, trends, and challenges
Javad Zarrin, Hao Wen Phang, Lakshmi Babu Saheer, Bahram Zarrin in Cluster Computing (2021)
13. A Hybrid Blockchain Model for Trusted Data of Supply Chain Finance
Jingkuang Liu, Lemei Yan, Dong Wang in Wireless Personal Communications (2021)
14. Evaluation of multi-asset investment strategies with digital assets
Alla Petukhina, Erin Sprünken in Digital Finance (2021)
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia, 23/7/2021